
Hey there YBCAsters!

Hows it going? What are you all up to? Hope your all enjoying yourselves. As for me I am happy and I am free! Haha. For a week, a week that is almost over. Last week I had finals and now I am on my break that is soon to be over. Then just one quarter to go and I graduate!! :] Since classes have been out I’ve been soaking up the warm sunshine of ocean beach, saw an awesome dance performance by the Other Suns at our vary own YBCA, been getting lots of little things done and have by parents coming down this weekend to visit my sisters and I. So lots going on.

Tonight though I got to come on down to YBCA and document the Xu Tan’s “Keywords School”. As usual it was a dual experience. I get to be behind the camera and at the same time observe what is going on. Always a wonderful thing to be a part of. Oh, something interesting about it was that I filmed with the camera turned sideways. It is how Xu Tan likes to have his work documented. I had never filmed like that before so it was different and fun.

Well that is it for now. You all have a great weekend!

Oct 1st. 5-8pm

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